July 23, 2019

Top 5 Design Trend Predictions for Brands in 2019

Studeo – Brands Design Trend Predictions 2019

Hard to believe that we are already half-way through 2019! We have been extra busy coming up with new visual identities, picking colours, typography and imagery, as well as creating other supporting graphical elements. Needless to say, we aspire to stay on top of the design and marketing trends, as well as trying to push the boundaries when possible.

At the end of 2018 we’ve made some internal predictions in design and marketing, some of which already began to gain momentum in 2018, whilst others had the potential to blow up even more – so let’s see which are still relevant right now.

Here are our top 5 design trend predictions for the rest of 2019:

Trend 1: Bold, Highly Saturated Colours.

With digital design being more and more prominent, the bold, oversaturated, almost fluoro colours, are on-point, and we expect this trend to continue to grow bigger, well past 2019. If you’re looking to rebrand in 2019, and want your business to stand out, maybe it’s worth considering a more unexpected colour scheme for your brand (before it becomes the norm).

Project by Ali Ozden

Project by Sagmeister & Walsh


Trend 2: Typography Take Over.

There are so many great typography artists out there, and many brands are embracing typography as their hero. Sometimes even to the point of where the typography becomes the principal face for the brand, removing the need for imagery. It can be a an appropriate branding move for a business with no imagery to show, but can also take a lot of courage for a brand to pull off.

Project by Beetroot Design

Project by Snask

Trend 3: Animation Galore!

There are few things capable of bringing design to life other than animation. Animations are engaging and interactive, and can transform even the plain design into something full of character and personality. Granted, animation is better suited for specific mediums, but with digital medium become more and more prevalent, this trend is likely to keep growing in 2019!

Project by Re Agency

Project by Ragged Edge

Trend 4: Handcrafted Illustrations!

Similar to the typography trend, a lot of brands are opting to use custom, tailored illustrations instead of imagery, to create a personable and human feel for the brand. The illustration styles can vary a great deal, as every illustrator has a unique ‘voice’. This is why it’s important to properly scout an appropriate illustrator that can accurately represent your brand’s personality.

Project by 

Project by COLLINS

Trend 5: Rebelling Against Grids and Uniformity.

In order to communicate your brand’s bold and creative personality you need to demonstrate how you’re ‘breaking out of the box’ and doing things differently visually. One of the ways this can be achieved in design, is to use open compositions and ignoring the grid structure. To further create more drama and movement, textures, glitch effects and seemingly random graphics are often also added. This method can create a lot of ‘noise’ and attention for a brand and ultimately set a very unique tone for your business. Ultimately each new marketing item you create will feel like a distinctive piece of artwork.

Project by Snask

Project by Art Nikitin

Special Mention: Virtual and Augmented Reality

I expect that virtual and mixed reality will only continue becoming more ubiquitous, as there is a conscious push from brands to inject movement and interactivity into traditional mediums. Mark my words – VR and AR will be everywhere at the end of 2019 and beyond!

Is Your Business Ready for a Rebrand?

If you’d like to review your current brand’s visual identity, then get in touch today and let’s transform and grow your business.

P.S. If you’re looking for more up-to-date trend reports, I suggest you check out